TKAT ACE - a champion for every child - provides a dedicated 1:1 tutor for each disadvantaged pupil and their family.

One of our priorities is to support pupils most in need. TKAT ACE - a champion for every child - plays a key role in that.

This is a unique and innovative pastoral mentoring programme that provides a dedicated and specially trained 1:1 tutor for disadvantaged pupils and their families.

The aim is to help these pupils overcome barriers to their progress both in terms of academic outcomes, and their social and emotional development.

The school has an ACE lead who oversees all the ACE tutors. The team then actively works with children and families to strengthen relationship and enhance learning opportunities. The frequency each child meets with their ACE tutor is determined by their RAG (Red, Amber, Green) rating which is based on a range of factors including; pastoral needs, social behaviour and attendance. Each child's rating is reviewed regularly at the end of each half term to ensure the right level of contact is provided.

1:1 ACE sessions are bespoke and fun

Each session involves a catch up, setting and reviewing targets and activities that support the children being able to meet those targets. At the end of the session, ACE tutors will do a quick phone call home to make sure the parents know how the session went and what the child is working on.

If you would like to contact your child's ACE tutor, do so by emailling the well being team - This is not manned 24 hours, if you have an emergency please contact our DSLs on 07854 516445

"Being an ACE tutor at Front Lawn is one of the most rewarding parts of my job. I enjoy developing bonds and growing relationships with the children and the families that I support through ACE. I find building these bonds and connections to be deeply rewarding. It is gratifying to me to hear the thank yous I get from families that I have supported when their children are moving on to their next year group, to know I have an impact on the children and families means so much to me. I enjoy spending time with the children getting to know their likes, dislikes, interests and what it is that they find difficult in school so I can know how best to support them. Helping the children achieve their academic and personal goals and witnessing their growth can be incredibly satisfying."

"My ACE tutor is really kind, she knows that I sometimes need help to be my best and we do really fun activities that help me to feel more confident and help me concentrate."

"I really found learning my times tables tricky, and you have to know them. My ACE tutor helped me learn times tables songs so that I could remmeber them when I was doing long multiplication and now I find it really easy."

"Sometimes I can find sharing and taking turns a bit hard as I do like to be the winner but my ACE tutor helps me to manage those angry feelings by breathing. We also read stories together that talk about angry feelings. I still need to work on this but I feel better knowing that she will help me."